Your Health, Your Choice
The Test Directory
Identify and address the underlying cause
Enhance your overall well-being using natural methods. Collaborate with a naturopathic practitioner who integrates scientific knowledge and expertise with traditional practices and conventional techniques, enabling you to embark on a transformative and enduring journey towards optimal health.
Blood test
These tests are used to detect indicators of overall health, imbalances, and nutritional deficiencies.
This information can be used to gain a better understanding of your health and make informed decisions about your dietary and lifestyle recommendations
The results are interpreted according to optimal reference ranges and used in conjunction with other aspects of your health history to develop individualised treatment plans
They can also help identify signs of chronic or acute infections, allergies, and immune system imbalances
This type of testing is helpful when it comes to monitoring the effectiveness of a treatment plan or to detect any side effects of supplements or medications
Additionally, blood tests are used to detect certain types of illnesses and diseases that is hard to detect with other tests
It is however, important to remember that not all health problems can be detected by a blood test
It is important to consult with your Naturopath to determine the best course of action for you
Stool test
Complete microbiome tests
Are you currently experiencing gastrointestinal issues that are causing discomfort or embarrassment?
If so, undergoing a stool test can be beneficial in identifying the underlying problem and subsequently providing appropriate treatment.
To avail yourself of a comprehensive stool testing service that can shed light on your overall health and wellness, we kindly recommend scheduling an appointment with LB-Health.
What Is Your Gut Telling You?
​Gastrointestinal illnesses can range from acute, such as food poisoning, to chronic, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Bloating and alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhoea are common symptoms. In addition to these, prolonged diarrhoea lasting several days, stomach cramps, and potential symptoms of nausea and vomiting should be monitored carefully. Stool analysis can help to confirm, verify or rule out a gastrointestinal illness. It is important to understand that GI illnesses can be caused by viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections, food allergies or intolerances, as well as other underlying conditions. Treatment for GI illnesses may include dietary changes, medications, and lifestyle modifications. It is essential to seek medical advice from a doctor if any of the above symptoms are experienced.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
HTMA is a safe, non-invasive test that reflects levels of nutrients and toxic elements in body tissues.
Minerals, like the other nutrients are the building blocks to our body’s physiology and biochemistry. Without a balance in minerals, symptoms of illness and dysfunction appear. The relationship of minerals gives us further understanding into detoxification, metabolic needs, adrenal and thyroid health and mental health influences.
A simple sample collection is all that is needed.
What is the difference between blood and hair analysis testing?
It is imperative for the proper functioning of our bodily systems that the blood remains in a state of homeostasis, wherein the nutritional levels within the blood are consistently maintained to facilitate circulation throughout all regions of the body.
Levels in the blood can be readily disrupted by meals or other typical fluctuations in blood composition. Consequently, determining deficiencies or excesses is not always straightforward.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) evaluates the cellular and tissue levels of nutrient and toxic elements excess or deficiencies within the body, thereby unveiling not only deficiencies but also the body's inability to utilize certain substances, storage patterns, and excesses.
Why having a HTMA done?
HTMA offers a distinctive depiction of an individual's metabolic function, encompassing thyroid function, adrenal function, and blood sugar regulation, among others, for a nominal fee. Additionally, it unveils deficiencies, nutrient bio-unavailability, heavy metal toxicity, and various other aspects.
For whom is HTMA recommended?
Individuals of all age groups, encompassing infants and the elderly, can derive advantages from HTMA testing.
Moreover, it is commonly advised for individuals who:
desire to shed excess weight
experience fatigue or energy-related concerns
suffer from anxiety or depression
have ADD/ADHD or spectrum disorders
encounter neurological issues
struggle with sleep disturbances
seek assistance with fertility matters
are going through perimenopause
is experiencing blood sugar imbalances
face stress-related challenges
or simply wish to undergo a comprehensive health assessment.
Your health history is shown through a HTMA - as each centimeter of hair would represent about one months worth of growth. We do only need a small amount of hair from the back og the head to get a proper sample.
Pyrrole testing
Pyrrole Disorder or Mauve Factor
Pyrrole is a disorder that manifests itself in various ways within the human body. It is recommended that individuals with anxiety, depression, poor stress coping abilities, or mental illness undergo this test. The purpose of this test is to identify a genetic and metabolic condition that can be effectively treated through simple vitamin supplementation. Furthermore, this condition has the potential to impact symptoms associated with mental health imbalances.
Some common symptoms of pyrrole include
tendency towards anxiety
abdominal pains or 'stitches'
chronic fatigue
difficulty recalling dreams
nausea early in the day
difficulty eating breakfast
explosive anger
low tolerance for stress
pale skin
difficulty tanning
the presence of stretch marks
white spots on the nails
Additionally, individuals with pyrrole may exhibit intolerance towards light, sound, or odours.
It is often easier to diagnose children when it comes to pyrroles. We more often see symptoms like anxiety, heightened reactivity to stress, unusual phobias, delayed onset of puberty, challenges in learning, disorders within the spectrum and reduced ability to effectively process and respond to sensory information, are all areas of concern that require attention and intervention.
Methylation testing
Methylation constitutes a multifaceted and indispensable component of our biochemistry, encompassing the intricate cycles involved in hormonal, neurological, and detoxification pathways.
It is not uncommon for individuals to exhibit deficiencies in certain aspects of their methylation processes, which may arise from genetic factors, external stressors, toxins, or nutrient insufficiencies.
Re-establishing a harmonious methylation equilibrium can prove pivotal in surmounting a myriad of challenges, particularly for individuals grappling with chronic health conditions, fertility complications, or mental health disorders.
Following your preliminary health assessment, your Naturopath can propose various testing methods and approaches to address potential methylation issues.
You will be looked after
When it comes to test results, it is important to remember that an initial consultation is necessary to ensure the best evaluation and interpretation of results. This consultation is the first step in understanding the test results and the necessary steps to take after the results are in.